Sweaters for Turtles
Sweaters for Turtles, Nozama company, is the largest retailer of animal sweaters and they’ve been at the top of the industry for the past twenty years. However, with the advent of Etsy, they’ve noticed a steady decline of sales, as some users have switched to niche and craft sellers. As the leader in the market, Nozama has decided to create their own hub where crafters can sell their products through their platform and bring the whole market on board to their product. For the first version of their product they want a customer to be able to go to their site, browse through available items, add selected items to a shopping cart and purchase them using stripe payment processing. After an order has been placed the customer should be able…

Presented by General Assembly, Neural Shunt Media, and Github Pages. Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe 2016 is a compilation of your favorite tic-tac-toe games and features of 2016. Available now at: https://nlkassad.github.io/tic-tac-toe Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe 2016 features code base from HTML, CSS, Sass, Javascript, jQuery, Ruby on Rails and code from Ben Lewis, General Assembly and referenced code notated on the bottom of this document. A limited edition of the wireframe for this release is available on Google Drive and it showcases all of the advanced functionality available in Google Draw Project planning was done in Trello, access is currently only available to members of the Now This Is What I Call Tic-Tac-Toe VIP fan club Additional Documentation: Original planning documentation Google duplicate of…

Nacho Favorite
Presented by General Assembly, Neural Shunt Media, and Github Pages.The client for the Nacho Favorite API based on the GA front-end template. This project is a demonstration of the power of tortilla chips and cheese, just like git-hub pages and heroku, rails and javascript, or handlebars and my mustache when these forces come together they are to be taken very seriously. [caption id="attachment_8" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Nacho Favorite Home Page[/caption]